Group Tasks
Group Tasks are a way of grouping like tasks together on reports and the Job Task Progress Screen. They consist of a description and a code. Group tasks can then be assigned to standard tasks and/or Job Tasks. If they are assigned to standard tasks, a workflow can be used to populate the Group Task to Job Tasks when Job Tasks are created.
Unlike the grouping used by older systems, the grouping does not need to be restricted based on the code structure. What this means is if you setup your Job Task Codes so that they appear to be grouped based on a leading segment such as:
- 01-010 Permits
- 01-020 Insurances
- 01-030 Council Fees
This structure, although rather nicely organised will not facilitate exceptions to the grouping. So if for a particular project you would like to move Council Fees to a different group this is not possible. IPM will allow you to use the structure shown above but it will also allow you to vary the structure if required.